Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello World!

My name is Sarah, and I am a stay-at-home housewife/mother with a degree in Home and Family Living, and a Physics Senior Thesis. That's right, I studied Optical Physics for 4 years. It's a long story. But I do have a background in science, and I love seeing how these natural remedies and alternative methods are based in science. This blog is for me to share with you the adventures I've had exploring alternative and complementary health methods. These are for informational/anecdotal purposes only, as I am not a doctor and do not give medical advice. 
I hope you enjoy coming on this health adventure with me!

P.S. If you want to try any of the things I talk about (at your own risk of course), most of the things will be widely available, either at the health food or grocery store. But sometimes I will use products that I sell. Just so you know, I only sell things I like, I use, and that I think work. Anytime I use one of these, I will include a link in the post. To see my products, go to or


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good luck. I love you.
    I look forward to your blog.


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